Research and Academic Production Services
Academic support staff
Overseeing research: Research funded by the Faculty of Law – Supporting the processing of research funding grants for faculty members and staff, including disseminating research in the form of research papers. Research funded from outside the faculty – Coordinating between faculty members and TURAC, managing the process from the initiation of the research until its completion;
Overseeing textbooks: Supporting the operation of the management of announcements to support the preparation and publication of textbooks for full-time faculty members and adjunct professors; and
Overseeing journals: Supervising the production of the Law Journal and the Journal of Transport and Maritime Law.
List of staff members
Tassanee Silapanorasate
General Management Officer, Head of Research and Academic Production Services
0 2613 2165 |
- Research: assigning staff responsibilities for operations and the collection of information for evaluation and education quality assurance.
- Textbooks: assigning staff responsibilities for operations, preparation of evaluations and development of educational quality standards.
- Journals: overseeing the production of the Law Journal and the Journal of Transport and Maritime Law.
Nahathai Kraisornsawat
Research Officer, Research Officer (Internal and External Research)
0 2613 2109 |
- Research activities (both internal and external research).
- Publication of research reports.
- Quality assurance through collation of research report data via the quality assurance database for the quality assurance group (which produces the SAR for the Faculty) to further process.
Suplalk Thaitae
General Management Officer, Textbook Officer
0 2613 2109 |
- Organising meetings, textbook projects and preparing teaching materials for meetings.
- Preparing textbooks, supporting the writing of textbooks for distribution.
ธิสา สาดบุญสร้าง
เจ้าหน้าที่วารสาร (วารสารนิติศาสตร์ มธ.)
0 2613 2171 |
- จัดทำวารสารนิติศาสตร์ มธ.
Narintorn Norunt
General Management Officer, Journal Officer (Assignment)
0 2613 2109 |
- Fundraising activities.
- Overseeing external scholarships (undergraduate level).
- Overseeing donations of money/ property to the fund
- Foreign language scholarships/ foreign education scholarships (for faculty members).
- Overseeing various foundations.
- Selling products for various activities of the Faculty of Law.
- Alumni Relations work.
Department contacts
Email for research :
Email for textbooks :
Facebook Research : งานวิจัย คณะนิติศาสตร์ ธรรมศาสตร์
Facebook Textbook Project : โครงการตำราฯ คณะนิติศาสตร์ ธรรมศาสตร์
Website :