Finance, Accounting and Supplies Centre
Academic support staff
Staff are responsible for controlling, overseeing and directing the expenditure of money in accordance with the budget, financial transactions, income, expenses, procurement centrally for the Faculty of Law, social services projects, research and fundraising for the Nithithammaphat Fund in accordance with the regulations, announcements and rules.
List of staff members

Prapakorn Kittithanachai
Supply Analyst, Practitioner Level; Head of the Finance, Accounting and Supplies Centre
0 2696 5105 |
- Budget work: controlling, overseeing and directing budget management and verifying the central budget of the Faculty of Law, social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund in accordance with the regulations.
- Finance: controlling, overseeing and directing the management of the university’s finances, income–expenses, centrally for the Faculty of Law, social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund and verifying disbursements.
- Accounts: controlling, overseeing and directing accounting records centrally for the Faculty of Law, social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund and preparation of annual financial statements.
- Supplies: controlling, overseeing and directing procurement, reimbursement and disbursement, supplies, and records of the property registry centrally for the Faculty of Law, social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund.

Chayasini Chutipraphanichakul
General Management Officer, Practitioner Level; Head of Finance, Accounting and Supplies (Tha Prachan)
0 2613 2132 |
- Budget work: controlling, overseeing and directing budget management and verifying the budget of social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund in accordance with the regulations.
- Finance: controlling, overseeing and directing the management of the university’s finances, income–expenses, for social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund and verifying disbursements.
- Accounts: controlling, overseeing and directing accounting records for social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund and preparation of annual financial statements.
- Supplies: controlling, overseeing and directing procurement, reimbursement and disbursement, supplies, and records of the property registry for social services projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund.

Kanchisa Laongoen
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Head of Finance, Accounting and Supplies (Rangsit Campus)
0 2696 5403 |
- Budget work: controlling, overseeing and directing budget management and verifying the central budget of the Faculty of Law in accordance with the regulations
- Finance: controlling, overseeing and directing the management of the university’s finances, income–expenses, centrally for the Faculty of Law and verifying disbursements.
- - Accounts: controlling, overseeing and directing accounting records centrally for the Faculty of Law and preparation of annual financial statements.
- Supplies: controlling, overseeing and directing procurement, reimbursement and disbursement, supplies, and records of the property registry centrally for the Faculty of Law.

Atitiya Kaewjang
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Budget Officer
0 2696 5402 |
- Budget control, performance reports, departmental income and expenditure statements, financial statements of the Education Fee Support Fund.
- Gather information on education quality assurance, internal controls, and risk management.

Rattana Sukprasert
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Accounts Officer
0 2696 5402 |
- Preparation of a plan of accounts according to the budget plan received from the university, central general accounting, income and expense accounting, asset and liability accounting for the Faculty of Law.

Jutamas Taeprasert
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Accounts Officer
0 2613 2132 |
- Preparation of a plan of accounts according to the budget plan received from the university, general accounting, income and expense accounting, asset and liability accounting for social service projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund.

นพวรรณ เปี่ยมวารี
นักวิชาการเงินและบัญชี, เจ้าหน้าที่บัญชี
0 2613 2142 |
- งานด้านการเงินและบัญชี จัดทำผังบัญชีตามผังงบประมาณที่ได้รับจากมหาวิทยาลัย
- งานบัญชีทั่วไป บัญชีรายรับ บัญชีรายจ่าย บัญชีทรัพย์สินและหนี้สิน

Kitima Boonyanupapkul
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Senior Finance Officer
0 2613 2132 |
- Payment of various expenses for social service projects.
- Seeking funding sources and financing investments.

Thiwaphon Kittithanachai
General Administrator; Finance Officer
0 2613 2132 |
- Payment of various expenses for social service projects.
- Seeking funding sources and financing investments from the committee for receipts and tax remittance.

Titaree Plaikaew
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Finance Officer
0 2696 5402 |
- Budget control, performance reports, social service projects, research and fundraising, Nithithammaphat Fund.
- Payment of expenses, research and fundraising, Nithithammaphat Fund.
- Seeking funding sources and managing investments.
- Gathering information on education quality assurance.

Kritsana Iamsamarng
Finance and Accounting Analyst, Practitioner Level; Finance Officer
0 2613 2141 |
- Finance income from teaching and other income for social service projects, research and fundraising, Nithithammaphat Fund.
- Seeking funding sources and financing investments.

Chidapa Chirawatto
นักวิชาการพัสดุ, เจ้าหน้าที่พัสดุ
0 2696 5401 |
- Procurement, preparation of inspection reports, recording property accounts centrally for the Faculty of Law, social service projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund.

Nattarat Khumsom
Supply Analyst, Practitioner Level; Supply Officer
0 2696 5401 |
- Procurement, preparation of inspection reports centrally for the Faculty of Law, social service projects, research and fundraising, and the Nithithammaphat Fund.
- Controlling receipt-disbursement of supplies centrally for the Faculty of Law.

ขนิษฐา ทวนทอง
Supply Analyst, Practitioner Level; Supply Officer
- งานจัดซื้อวัสดุ/ครุภัณฑ์
- บันทึกระบบพัสดุคงคลัง
0 2613 2141 |
Department contacts