ปวีร์ เจนวีระนนท์

ปวีร์ เจนวีระนนท์
- อาจารย์ประจำศูนย์กฎหมายแพ่ง
- อาจารย์ประจำศูนย์กฎหมายพาณิชย์และธุรกิจ
- D. Banking and Finanicial Regulation, Chinese University of Hong Kong (กำลังศึกษา)
- นิติศาสตรบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
- เนติบัณฑิตไทย สำนักอบรมศึกษากฎหมายเเห่งเนติบัณฑิตยสภา
- นิติศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขากฎหมายธุรกิจ (ภาคภาษาอังกฤษ) มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์
- M. Nagoya University (The Program for Leading Graduate Schools “Cross-Border Legal Institution Design”) (Japanese Governet Scholarship)
- อาจารย์ประจำคณะนิติศาสตร์ ศูนย์ลำปาง (2559-ปัจจุบัน)
- Research Affiliate, Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Cambridge University
- กฎหมายเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีทางการเงิน (Financial Technology)
- การเข้าถึงบริการทางด้านการเงิน (Financial Inclusion)
- น.100 ความรู้พื้นฐานเกี่ยวกับกฎหมายเเละระบบกฎหมาย
- น.160 ทักษะวิทยาของกฎหมายไทย
- น.230 เอกเทศสัญญา 1 (สัมมนา)
- น.331 กฎหมายลักษณะตั๋วเงิน(สัมมนา)
- น.335 ทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา
- น.363 กฎหมายเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
- น.447 ปัญหาในกฎหมายธุรกิจ
- Book Chapter: Crypto Assets Law in the People’s Republic of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Law of Crypto Assets (Forthcoming), Verlag C.H.BECK oHG Publishing.
- Book Chapter: Regulating Digital Assets: Key Lessons Learned in Asia &Thailand, Ensuring the Rights of Investors in the Context of the Digitalization of the Economy: The Experience of European and Asian States, Prospekt Nauki Publishing.
- Book Chapter: Thai Regulatory Approaches to Technology-Driven Innovation in Financial Services, Regulating FinTech in Asia – Global Context, Local Perspectives (2020), Springer Publishing.
- Academic Report: the Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment study (2020), Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge, The World Bank Group and The World Economic Forum.
- Academic Report: the Global Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report (2020). Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge.
- Academic Report (Research Team): The ASEAN FinTech Regulatory Scoping Study (2019). Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge.
- Academic Report (Research Team): An input to the work of the FinTech Working Group of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) (2018). Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge.
- Academic Report (Research Team): The 3rd Asia Pacific Region Alternative Finance Industry Report (2018). Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge.
- Academic Report (Research Team): Cultivation Growth, the 2nd Asia Pacific Region Alternative Finance Industry Report (2017). Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge.
- Academic Paper: “Regulating Digital Asset under Thai Law: A Case Study of Libra Coin” Dullapaha Thai Court of Justice Journal, no.1, (January 2020).
- Academic Paper: “Legal Research on the Abuse of Patent Litigation and the Defensive Measures for the Japanese and Taiwanese IT Industry.” Thammasat Law Journal, no.1, (March 2017), Thammasat University, Thailand.
- Academic Paper: “A Legal and Empirical Research on the effect of the Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) and the Sovereign Patent Funds (SPFs) toward Taiwanese and Japanese IT Industry, focusing on the Proposed Innovation Act of the United States.” Technology Law Review, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
- Academic Paper: “Patentability of Stem Cells.” Thammasat Business Law Journal, (2013), Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Academic Paper: “Arbitration in Environmental Disputes.” Arbitration Journal, (2008), the Court of Justice of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Online Articles on FinTech law and regulations at the website (www.fintechlawasia.com).
- Master Thesis: “A Comparative Study of Software Patent Protection in the United States, Japan and Thailand.” Nagoya University, 2017.
- Master Thesis: “Patentability of Stem Cells.” Thammasat University, 2013.
- Master Thesis: “A Comparative Study of Software Patent Protection in the United States, Japan and Thailand.” Nagoya University, 2017.
- Master Thesis: “Patentability of Stem Cells.” Thammasat University, 2013.
- Academic Paper Presentation “FinTech, Governance and Sustainability – Key Lessons Learned in Asia” Lomonosov Moscow State University, International Online Digital Law Conference.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “Regulating Digital Assets in Thailand: Problems and Future Prospects” Chinese University of Hong Kong, Machine Lawyering Conference.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “Thai Data Privacy and Cyber Security Law Perspective” Surabaya University, National Cyber Security Law Conference 2019.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “Implication of Software Patenting on the Rise of Financial Technology” Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, First IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “Thai Regulatory Approaches to Technology-driven Innovation in Financial Services.” Regulating FinTech in Asia Conference, Kyushu University.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “A Legal Research on the Effect of the Abuse of Patent Litigation toward the Japanese and Taiwanese IT Industry.” The 12thAnnual Conference of Asian Law and Economics Association (AsLEA), Seoul National University (SNU).
- Academic Paper Presentation: “The Establishment of Equity-basedCrowdfunding in Thailand.” Fintech Law in Asia 2016 Conference, Nagoya University.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “Regulatory Framework for Virtual Currency, focusing on Bitcoin, in Asian Countries.” Fintech Law in Asia 2016 Conference, Nagoya University.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “A Legal and Empirical Research on the effect of the Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs) and the Sovereign Patent Funds (SPFs) toward the Taiwanese and Japanese IT Industry, focusing on the Proposed Innovation Act of the United States.” The 16thNational Technology Law Conference, National Chiao Tung University.
- Academic Paper Presentation: “Regulatory Framework for Virtual Currency, focusing on Bitcoin, in Asian Countries.” The 4thEast Asian Law & Society Conference”, Waseda University.