Specialised Law Centres
About the Health Laws and Ethics Centre
The Health Laws and Ethics Centre (HLE Centre) which has the acronym “Gor.Sor.Jor” in Thai, was established in January 2005 with the support of the Institute of Public Health Systems Research (Sor.Wor.Ror.Sor.), with the objective of developing a body of knowledge about law and ethical issues related to health systems, including in the field of medicine, public health and healthcare in various dimensions. Later, it joined with the Office of the National Health Commission (Sor.Chor.) to create a project to promote the use of rights and duties relating to health under the National Health Act 2007. The Health Laws and Ethics Centre disseminates knowledge to medical personnel, lawyers and the general public on the right to refuse treatment for end of life patients, the right to personal health information, and advance informed consent to treatment, and also gives academic advice on health law issues to various agencies and organisations both domestically and internationally.
The activities of the Health Laws and Ethics Centre have many aspects: research, short-term training for medical personnel and lawyers, and organising academic seminars, as well as developing courses in medical law, forensic medicine, and medical ethics at the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University. Important academic seminars and works include the proposal of a draft ministerial regulation under Section 12 of the National Health Act, approved by the Cabinet, and the publication of books and other documents such as “Before the Leaves Fall”, “Using Stem Cells”, and “The Last Needs of Life” brochure, the creation of the website www.thailivingwill.in.th, and the organisation of training on medical law and forensic medicine for lawyers, doctors, nurses, and the general public.
Social Services of the Health Laws and Ethics Centre
- Organised an academic seminar on “The problem of drug use in Thai society" in collaboration with the Legal Education and Training Center (LeTEC) on Thursday 13 February 2014, 09:00–12:00 at Jitti Tingsaphat Room, Faculty of Law. Thammasat University, Tha Prachan.
- Organised an academic seminar on “Palliative care and the right to die well under the National Health Act” in collaboration with Ratchaphiphat Hospital on Friday 21 December 2018 at the Ladawan Meeting Room, Ratchaphiphat Hospital, Bangkok.
- Organised an academic seminar on “Palliative care and the right to die well under the National Health Act: The Right for People with Disabilities to Choose” in collaboration with the Association of the Council of Persons with Disabilities of Thailand on Wednesday 10 July 2019 at the Jitti Tingsaphat Room, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (Tha Prachan).
- Organised an academic seminar on “Doctors Prescribing Morphine Outside Medical Institutions: Combined Problems and Solutions” in collaboration with the Food and Drug Administration (Or.Yor.) on Friday 26 July 2019 at the Jitti Tingsaphat Room, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University, Tha Prachan.

Prasit Pivavatnapanich

Torpong Kittiyanupong

Niramai Phitkhae Manjit

Pokpong Srisanit

Kamolvan Chiravisit

Aimpaga Techa-apikun
Professor Dr.Witoon Ungpraphan
Board Member
0 2613 2139 | srungthi@tu.ac.th
Professor Sawaeng Boonchalermwipas
Board Member
0123456789 | facultyoflaw@tulaw.ac.th
Ms.Jantima Tanasawangun
Board Member
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Mr.Paisan Limsathit
Board Member
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รุ่งทิพย์ สร้อยทอง
Board Member
0 2613 2139 | srungthi@tu.ac.th

พรเพ็ญ สว่างตระกูล
บุคลากรชำนาญการ, เจ้าหน้าที่ธุรการศูนย์กฎหมายเฉพาะทาง
0 2613 2135, 0 2613 2153 | spornpen@tu.ac.th