Specialised Law Centres
About the Japanese Law Studies Centre
Since the Faculty of Law has always had a good relationship and continual academic cooperation with universities and academics from Japan, the Japanese Law Studies Centre was established in 2010 to coordinate projects for cooperation and academic exchange with governments, universities, organisations, institutions and individuals in Japan, including organising academic activities to promote the study of Japanese law and other activities related to the dissemination of knowledge and promoting a better understanding of Japan.
As a result of the establishment of the Japanese Law Studies Centre, there are ongoing academic activities to provide knowledge and exchange academic opinions, for example inviting Japanese experts to give special lectures on undergraduate programmes, organising special lectures on various occasions by inviting expert speakers from Japan, as well as opening an introductory Japanese language project for law students at no cost to allow students who are interested in Japan and Japanese culture to have the opportunity to try learning basic Japanese. This will be an opportunity for further knowledge enhancement in the future.
Training projects of the Japanese Law Studies Centre
- Semester 1/2016: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6
- Semester 2/2016: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6
- Semester 1/2017: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6
- Semester 2/2017: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6
- Semester 1/2018: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6
- Semester 1/2019: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6
- Semester 1/2020: Introductory Japanese language training for students with no foundation in Japanese language up to みんなの日本語 Book 1 Chapter 6

พรเพ็ญ สว่างตระกูล
บุคลากรชำนาญการ, เจ้าหน้าที่ธุรการศูนย์กฎหมายเฉพาะทาง
0 2613 2135, 0 2613 2153 | spornpen@tu.ac.th
0 2613 2135